Accessibility Statement:

Aladdin Bail Bonds is committed to ensuring an optimized and accessible user experience for our website visitors. We are continually improving the user experience and applying accessibility standards on an ongoing basis. We welcome your feedback on the accessibility of Please let us know if you have feedback on your browsing experience. Our contact number is (866) 512-2245.

How To use the Accessibility Menu on

Click or Tap on the blue Accessibility Icon in the upper left corner of the website and select an option that will enhance your browsing experience:

Choose an option from the menu:
Increase Text
Decrease Text
High Contrast
Negative Contrast
Light Background
Links Underline
Readable Font
Screen Readers
Accessibility Help

Screen Reader Options:

Mac OS X – VoiceOver:
Apple computers come equipped with “VoiceOver” a built in screen reader. You can utilize VoiceOver on and Apple computer by pressing Command-F5, when finished, Command-F5 also turns it off.

Windows – NVDA:
NVDA which stands for “NonVisual Desktop Access” is a free screen reader for computers with the Windows operating system. The application can be downloaded from the NV Access website:

Google Chrome Browser – ChromeVox:
ChromeVox can be added to your Chrome browser via an extension through the Chrome Web Store. After the extension is installed, a keyboard shortcut can be utilized to enable and disable the screen reader function.